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The City of Tallahassee Fire Department Citizens’ Fire Academy is open to persons 18 or older who either live or work in the City of Tallahassee/Leon County. This is a 7-week program that is usually held in the Spring and the Fall and is comprised of once-a-week sessions approximately 3 hours in length. (Please note that students missing more than one (1) night of instruction will be dropped from the Academy. If you have other priorities at the present time, please do not submit an application to attend at this time.)
Next Citizen's Fire Academy April 7 - May 19 Monday nights from 6:00-8:00. Location: TFD Training Division (2964 Major James Morgan Jr. Way)
The program is designed for people who have a genuine desire to learn about the daily life of firefighters, who want to increase their fire and life safety awareness, and who wish to be more knowledgeable about the variety of services that the Tallahassee Fire Department offers. The academy concludes with a graduation celebration at which program participants receive a certificate of completion from the department.
Please fill out all the form fields below if you are interested in participating in the next academy.
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in participating in the next academy. Fill out all form fields, or your submittal will not be accepted. You must be at least 18 to be eligible to participate
Do you need any special accommodation(s) in order to participate in the Citizen's Fire Academy? YesNo
T-shirt Size SmallMediumLargeXLarge
Date of Birth
Sex MaleFemale
Have you ever been arrested for a felony or misdemeanor? YesNo
If the answer to #1 was yes, please provide details, if not, proceed to the next question
Why do you wish to participate in the Citizens' Fire Academy?
How did you hear about the Citizens' Fire Academy? FacebookInstagramTwitterInternetTVRadioDept. EmployeeOther
By entering my name in the box below and hitting the submit button, I acknowledge the above information is a true and accurate representation. I hereby certify that there are no willful misrepresentations, omissions, or falsifications in the foregoing statement and answers to questions. I understand that any omission or false statement on this application shall be sufficient cause for rejection of enrollment or dismissal from the Tallahassee Fire Department's Citizens' Fire Academy. I understand that participation in this program is not to train citizens to be firefighters.
Signature (Type name as you would sign it)
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