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Benefits Estimate Request Form * Is this a Buy Back only request? YesNo * Are you within 3 years of Early or Normal Retirement ? YesNo You are not eligible for an estimate at this time. Please visit Pension Calculators to access the Pension Calculators provided to estimate your base benefits. * Full Name Employee ID Daytime Phone * Last 4 Digits SS# Date of Employment * Email Department Please Select... ADMINISTRATION & PROFESSIONAL SVCS AUDITING AVIATION BLUEPRINT ADMINISTRATION/INFRASTRUCTURE CAPITAL REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AGENCY (CRTPA) CDA ADMINISTRATION/CDA COMMUNICATIONS CITY ATTORNEY CITY COMMISSION/OFFICE OF THE MAYOR COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION & WASTE MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER SERVICES DIVERSITY & INCLUSION DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY OPERATIONS (DIA) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & FACILITIES SECURITY ENERGY SERVICES - ELECTRIC & GAS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES & FACILITIES ETHICS EXECUTIVE SERVICES FIRE FLEETMANAGEMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT MINORITY/WOMEN/SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MWSBE) OFFICE OF ECONOMIC VITALITY PARKS, RECREATION & NEIGHBORHOOD AFFAIRS PLANNING, LAND MANAGEMENT & COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT (PLACE) POLICE REAL ESTATE STARMETRO SUSTAINABILITY & COMMUNITY PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION TREASURER-CLERK UNDERGROUND UTILITIES & PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE NON-CLASSIFIED Employee Class General EmployeeFirefighterPolice Officer Current Status I am an active employeeI am currently in DROPI am Retired/Vested Marital Status SingleMarried Estimate(s) Requested: (Check All that apply): Normal Retirement 401(k) Map Account payout Early Retirement 457 RSVP Account payout DROP Vested Retirement Buyback Estimates(s) Requested: Military (*DD214 Required) Has this service been purchased? YesNo Prior City Service Has this service been purchased? YesNo Out-of-City Public Service Out of City Public Verification Form Has this service been purchased? YesNo (Verification form must be completed and submitted by previous employer.) Comments: Submitted by: * How would you like to receive your estimate? Please Select... Email Mailed to my address on file Mailed to alternative address Acknowledgement: I understand that estimates are completed in the order they are received and it may take up to six weeks for me to receive an estimate. I also acknowledge there is a maximum of two calculations per retirement type in a calendar year I can receive from an analyst. Additional calculations within a calendar year can be provided by utilizing the pension calculator on the Retirement Website.
You are not eligible for an estimate at this time. Please visit Pension Calculators to access the Pension Calculators provided to estimate your base benefits.
Acknowledgement: I understand that estimates are completed in the order they are received and it may take up to six weeks for me to receive an estimate. I also acknowledge there is a maximum of two calculations per retirement type in a calendar year I can receive from an analyst. Additional calculations within a calendar year can be provided by utilizing the pension calculator on the Retirement Website.